Los Angeles Orthodontist Blog

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What Kind of Toothpaste Should I Use?

None! The truth is you don’t need any toothpaste to get those pearly whites clean. Toothpaste is a tool designed to make brushing more fun and more tolerable. Imagine brushing without any toothpaste at all. After scrubbing all of that bacteria off of your teeth, it may leave a bad taste in your mouth. Hence, toothpaste.

When selecting a toothpaste, try to stay away from extra toxins and chemicals. This includes fluoride which is extremely toxic to the body. The mouth is very vascular. Anything you put into your mouth is easily carried to other parts of your body through your blood stream. It’s important not to put unnecessary chemicals into your body for optimum health.

You may be wondering how to prevent tooth decay if you aren’t using flouride and harsh mouthwashes. Using an all natural tooth paste, keeping a healthy diet, and adopting a healthy lifestyle should keep any dental caries at bay. If you get a lot of cavities despite good brushing habits, look to your diet. Are you consuming a lot of sugar or acidic foods? Do you eat mostly refined foods or fast food? Keep a food journal and keep track of what you are eating so that you can see areas that need improvement.

It is true that some people are more predisposed to tooth decay. Others may be able to eat more sugar than you and never suffer from a cavity, while you may find those caries popping up every time you go to the dentist if you eat sugar. Most people need both good hygiene habits and good lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy mouth.

Find an all-natural toothpaste that works for you, maintain good eating habits, and be sure to exercise to get that blood flowing throughout your mouth and entire body, and you’ll be on the road to healthy teeth and gums.

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Make A Better Smile A Reality For Your Teen

Make A Better Smile A Reality For Your TeenLAS VEGAS, NEVADA-If you have always ruled out orthodontics for your child or teen as too expensive or likely to interfere with school and extracurricular activities, we think you should reexamine your conclusion.

“There is absolutely no reason that having braces or going to appointments has to conflict with classes, sports or day-to-day life. We can make your teen’s dream of straight teeth a reality,” says Dr. David Alpan, an adult, teenager and children’s orthodontist at Aesthetic Orthodontics.

The latest orthodontic techniques and technology have made getting braces faster and more comfortable and convenient than ever, and the cost might be more affordable than you think between insurance coverage and in-office payment plans and financing.

He offers many types of braces for teens at affordable prices from the practically invisible Invisalign Teen to Incognito braces, which are affixed to the back side of teeth. Braces can correct a misaligned bite, close gaps between teeth, and straighten crooked or twisted dentition. They can also fix overbites, crossbites and underbites and even have the potential to alter the appearance of facial structure.

“Orthodontics provides more than just pretty, straight teeth though. They create a smile that is much easier to take care of, and they properly align the jaws, which can often relieve headaches and jaw joint pain,” says Dr. Alpan, who is a Las Vegas braces provider and Los Angeles TMJ dentist.

One of the most popular options for teenagers and adults is the Invisalign system because it uses a series of clear, removable trays to align teeth instead of the traditional metal brackets and wires. Many celebrities, including Katherine Heigl and Justin Bieber, have used the method to fix their crooked teeth.

Many of the treatment methods available today require fewer, shorter office visits, which mean less time out of you and your teen’s busy schedule. Plus, appliances are smaller and custom-made to provide a more comfortable experience with significantly less tongue, cheek and gum irritation and post-tightening soreness. The average length of treatment for patients with Invisalign Teen is a year.

“Braces can also help teens feel more confident about their appearance and smile confidently for the photo ops of high school like prom, homecoming, yearbook and graduation,” says Dr. Alpan, who is in the top three Invisalign providers for Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

With straighter teeth, you are also reducing their risk of tooth decay, gingivitis and periodontal disease since routine dental care like brushing and flossing is more effective at removing cavity-causing bacteria, and regular appointments at the dentist are more comfortable.

For parents who are concerned about the cost of orthodontic treatment, contact our treatment coordinator to discuss the payment options, which include payment plans and no- or low-interest financing. Some insurance providers offer partial coverage for orthodontic treatment as well. Our coordinator can help you find out if you are covered.

© 2012 Master Google and Dr. David Alpan. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole sources. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Care to Share!

At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we offer a program to our patients called Care to Share! We reward our patients handsomely with a Visa gift card for referring friends. There is no better way to honor us than by referring friends and family, so we think it important to make it worth your while and to extend our thanks with a monetary reward.

Below is a recent picture of one of our Care to Share patients. Thank you so much for your referral! It means the world to me and the team!

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An Aesthetic Braces Option

Concerned about what you will look like with braces on your teeth? Have you been putting it off because you don’t want to wear traditional braces? There is a great alternative available to you: lingual braces!

Lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth, or tongue-side. The benefits to lingual braces over other clear braces options like clear brackets are that lingual braces are completely invisible. And they allow orthodontists to correct more complex problems faster than clear aligners do in most cases. Treatment times can be a lot shorter than wearing clear aligners.

At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we offer Incognito Hidden Braces, a system of lingual braces that has proven to be extremely effective over the many years that we have been providing it to our patients. So, if you’ve been putting off that orthodontic appointment because of your aesthetic fears, just know that there are many options available to you that will straighten those teeth, or fix that bite in a nearly invisible, or even completely unnoticeable fashion.

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How To Stay On Schedule And Get Your Braces Off On Time

Las Vegas orthodontist on getting braces off

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Your back-to-school shopping and preparations are underway, and we want to remind you to add properly caring for and protecting your orthodontic appliances to the to do list.

“It’s easy to get swept up in the hectic schedule of classes, homework and extracurricular activities, but our priority is helping you stick to your treatment plan and keep strong, healthy teeth while you’re wearing braces or aligners,” says Dr. David Alpan, an Orthodontist in Las Vegas.

These are some reminders of what to do as you head back to school:

  • Keep an extra case for your retainer or aligners in your bag or locker. The majority of retainers and aligners are lost because they were wrapped in a napkin and accidentally thrown away. Invisalign Teen, a very popular orthodontic treatment, has some big benefits, but they can also be drawbacks. The aligners are removable for eating, drinking and dental care. However, because they are clear and light, they can be overlooked in the rush to get to class on time and inadvertently thrown away.”One of the features of Invisalign Teen is that replacement aligners can be re-ordered if lost, but it takes time for them to come in and any time without the aligners means longer treatment time,” says Dr. Alpan, who is also a Los Angeles invisalign expert.
  • Put together an oral hygiene kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and wax for mid-day dental care. Having a toothbrush and floss means you won’t be tempted to use anything to pick food out of your teeth or around the brackets like the ones used for Incognito and Damon braces.
  • Watch what you’re eating and drinking. For snacks and lunches, stick with the foods that won’t get stuck in the cracks and crevices of your teeth and braces like banana slices, seedless grapes, canned fruit, applesauce and pudding cups, thinly chopped raw vegetables, soups, sandwiches or pasta. Avoid hard, sticky foods that can damage appliances, and you may consider skipping or minimizing sports or energy drinks, soda and sweet tea.”These beverages contain a lot of sugar and acid that creates an environment ripe with cavity- and bad breath-causing bacteria. For patients with fixed braces, these drinks can also lead to the dreaded bull’s eye effect when braces are taken off if dental hygiene is neglected,” says Dr. Alpan as a TMJ dentist in Las Vegas.
  • Make sure your mouthguard still fits properly and wear it during all contact sports to protect your teeth, gums, lips and cheeks from damage.

If you have an orthodontic emergency where you have lost or broken any part of your braces, please call (702) 784-0500 for the Las Vegas office or 213-513-7559 for the Los Angeles office, and we will fit you in as soon as possible.

© 2012 Dr. David Alpan and Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Summer Grilling

No, not a BBQ. I’m talking dental grills, those popular embellished tooth coverings made famous by rappers, and now, Olympic gold medalist, Ryan Lochte.

Grills are often made out of precious metals like gold and are often decorated with jewels. But, sometimes, grills are made on the cheap with nickel, a metal that may irritate gum tissue. The most important aspect of a grill is the fit. Grills snap onto the teeth, so a precisely-fitted grill is imperative to avoid tooth movement (imagine a bad retainer) and to prevent a larger amount of bacteria to collect between the grill and the teeth and gums. A poor-fitting grill may lead to gum disease and tooth caries, and tooth movement that may not only lead to an unsatisfactory smile, but also an improper bite.

I don’t recommend grills, but if it is something that you are going to get regardless, spend the extra money for one that is made with quality metal and is expertly fitted.

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Las Vegas orthodontist on getting braces offInvisalign is a great option over traditional braces for those concerned about the aesthetics of traditional metal braces. Invisalign is a braces system that uses a series of clear aligners specifically designed for each individual patient. The patient inserts a new set of aligners every few weeks until the desired results, determined by the doctor and the patient before treatment starts, are achieved.

The Invisalign transparent aligners can be more comfortable to wear than traditional braces because they are lighter and less force and pressure is being placed on the teeth. Another big advantage to Invisalign treatment is that the aligners are removable, allowing patients to eat foods that traditional braces patients aren’t able to eat, and to brush their tooth more easily. Treatment times vary, but Invisalign treatment can be shorter than wearing traditional braces depending on the type of issues that each patient has. All of these points make it easy to see why Invisalign is such a popular treatment option, especially among adults.

There are instances, however, where Invisalign may not be as effective as other treatment options. There are certain issues that may be better resolved with traditional braces or lingual braces. This doesn’t mean that Invisalign will not be an option; it just means that there are other treatments that may be more effective or may solve the issues more expeditiously.

Perhaps the biggest barrier to Invisalign’s effectiveness, is patient compliance. If the patient cannot commit to wearing their aligners for the recommended amount of time each day (usually 22 hours), treatment may not yield optimal results. Breaking or losing aligners can prolong treatment time and can be very costly if done often.

If you are interested in Invisalign, come in for a free exam and consultation so that we can determine the best treatment plan together.

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Invisalign Teen Still Popular Option At Aesthetic Orthodontics After Four Years

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Los Angeles orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan has been offering Invisalign Teen, a specialized version of the invisible braces, since Align Technology put it out on the market in 2008, and it continues to be a big hit among his teen patients.

“Invisalign Teen is a treatment method that is ideal for patients who want the beautiful smile without the traditional metal brackets and wires, and its discreet look is one of the biggest benefits according to our patients,” says Dr. Alpan, who is in the top three Invisalign providers for Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Align Technology launched Invisalign Teen in the North American market with features to help doctors treat teen patients and streamline treatment planning and to offer case monitoring support.

The original Invisalign system that Dr. Alpan has offered since 1999 uses a series of custom-made, removable aligners to move teeth into the proper positions.

The teen version of the nearly invisible braces functions the same way, but they have a wear indicator on one of the back molars, a blue dot that fades when the aligner is worn as prescribed.

Length of treatment time varies from case to case, but patients undergo treatment for an average of a year. With Invisalign there are usually fewer office visits than other types of braces, and patients can keep treatment time as short as possible by wearing aligners exactly like the orthodontist directs.

Dr. Alpan has treated more than 400 patients with Invisalign Teen. He says that besides the aesthetic benefits, the ability to remove the aligners for routine dental care and special events is another big plus. Fixed brackets can make it difficult to thoroughly clean teeth, and patients are more likely to stick with diligent dental care when there aren’t brackets and wires in the way.

Invisalign Teen is just one of the invisible braces options that Dr. Alpan, a Los Angeles orthodontist, offers. Incognito braces go on the back of the teeth, also known as the lingual side. The customized brackets are contoured to provide the patient with optimal comfort. They work the same way traditional braces do, and move teeth efficiently and effectively.

Another virtually invisible orthodontic treatment is Damon clear braces. This system uses self-ligating brackets that don’t require ligatures, the elastics to hold arch wires in place on traditional metal braces. The combination of clear brackets and the self-ligating technology make Damon clear braces a comfortable fit and an aesthetically pleasing option. They also move teeth faster and require fewer adjustments, shorter appointment times and shorter total treatment time.

“We’re proud to offer as many options as possible for our patients. The variety means every patient can find a treatment method to get a more beautiful smile and to boost their self-confidence,” says Dr. Alpan.

© 2012 Master Google and Dr. David Alpan. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole sources. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Saving Money on Dental Costs

Here are some easy ways to save money on dental costs:

1. Go to the dentist! – Yes, it may sound counterintuitive to saving money, but keeping up with regular checkups with help keep those pearly whites clean and will catch those pesky plaque problems early so that treatment will cost you less in the long run.

2. Eat healthy – Cut back on those sugary and acidic foods. Dental bacteria thrives on sugar, leading to cavities. Acid can erode your enamel, exposing the dentin. This makes you more susceptible to cavities and sensitive teeth.

3. Buy All-Natural Toothpaste and Mouthwash – Staying away from detergents, alcohol, and other chemical agents is better for your dental health and your overall health. Harsh chemicals and detergents can be irritating, and alcohol can lead to dryness.

4. Exercise – People who exercise regularly have less incidents of gum disease as exercise can boost your immune system and increases blood circulation.

5. Don’t Stress! – Teeth grinding and TMJ disorders can all be caused by poor stress management. The good news is that they can also be reduced by good stress management.

6. When You Have a Problem Ask For Options – Teeth can be treated in different ways, some more cost-effective than others. Ask your dentist what the most cost-effective way to treat your issue is. If you cannot afford payment for multiple issues, prioritize. Treat the issues that need immediate attention first. Your dentist may even offer financing opportunities or a discount if you ask for one.