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Why Do Children Need Braces?

young-girl-with-bracesFor many people, the thought of braces might immediately conjure images of children with metal brackets and wires on their teeth. The natural connotation between children and braces may, in part, be due to the fact that orthodontic treatment is often prescribed in a child’s early years. Problems with a child’s occlusion (the way teeth fit together) and bite balance can become exponentially worse as the jawbone and teeth continue to grow. With a wide variety of options and designs for children’s braces, Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, can help straighten your child’s teeth early, preventing potentially serious orthodontic issues that might require invasive procedures to correct as an adult. Continue reading Why Do Children Need Braces?

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Beverly Hills, CA Orthodontist Offers Braces for Children

Girl-on-HammockOrthodontic work corrects irregularities in the teeth, and moves them into an optimal position. Once a procedure many considered only for adolescents and teenagers, many people that did not receive orthodontic work when they were younger opt for braces later in life. However, children are still among the top candidates for braces. Dr. David Alpan, your orthodontist in Beverly Hills, CA, will explain some of the options available for children’s braces.

Traditional Braces: A Classic

Traditional braces may not make people jump for joy, but they have a history of straightening and aligning smiles that cannot be argued. You have probably seen them so often on teenagers that you hardly notice a tin grin when you see one. Comprised of brackets and wires, braces are designed to exert constant gentle force on teeth, which will alter their position over time. The brackets on braces can be made of metal or ceramic material. Ceramic brackets blend in to the color of the child’s teeth to make them less visible, but the wire going through the brackets will still have a silver appearance. The average amount of time traditional braces are worn is two years. Continue reading Beverly Hills, CA Orthodontist Offers Braces for Children

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Los Angeles Orthodontist Discusses Children’s Braces Options

mom-and-daugher-w-braces-224x300Early dental and orthodontic treatment is vital for many children whose teeth and jaws are still developing. When detected early, issues like malocclusion (crooked teeth) and imbalanced jaw growth can be corrected relatively easily, and can prevent the need for extensive treatment later in life. To help correct alignment problems and guide children’s oral structures through proper growth, Los Angeles orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan offers a choice of children’s braces to address a wide variety of needs and preferences.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional braces consist of metal brackets that are attached to each tooth and metal arch wires that are positioned over the brackets. The arch wires are periodically tightened to produce the consistent force necessary to move gently move teeth. Metal braces are highly successful at repositioning crooked teeth, and are the most cost-effective braces option we provide.

Self-Ligating and Incognito Braces

Self-ligating braces are smaller and more discreet than traditional metal braces, and do not require the addition of elastics to hold the arch wire in place. Instead, they utilize a slide mechanism that eliminates friction and moves teeth faster and more comfortably. We also offer clear self-ligating braces for improved discretion. Incognito braces, or lingual braces, braces involve brackets and wires placed behind teeth, instead of on their front surfaces. Continue reading Los Angeles Orthodontist Discusses Children’s Braces Options

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Los Angeles CA Orthodontist Discusses Children and Braces

200265570-001The smile of a child is a treasure that parents cherish. However, you may have already noticed some signs of misalignment in that special smile. If so, the time may have come to consider orthodontic treatment. For a list of reasons why children and braces go together so well, read the following information provided by your Los Angeles CA orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan. Continue reading Los Angeles CA Orthodontist Discusses Children and Braces

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Beverly Hills Orthodontist Corrects Smile Misalignment

bracesRecently, a study conducted by Wakefield Research revealed that over a third of Americans are unhappy with their smiles. Dental misalignment, including crooked and crowded teeth, hinders the appearance of our smiles. Fortunately, at Alpan Orthodontics, we can correct dental imperfections. In today’s blog, your Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, explains how our orthodontic procedures can transform your smile.

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Beverly Hills Orthodontist Discuss Prevention with Children’s Braces

kid-with-bracesThe purpose of orthodontic treatment is to address the misalignment of your teeth and bite, which can seriously inhibit your mouth’s proper function and, in severe cases, negatively affect the symmetry of your facial features. When occlusal problems are detected early, while your child’s oral structures are still growing, early orthodontic treatment may lessen or prevent the need for treatment at an older age. Malocclusion, or bite misalignment, can occur in various ways and for a number of different reasons, and your Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, is specially trained to diagnose and treat occlusal complications at any age. Today, we explain how early orthodontic issues can blossom into bigger trouble if not treated, and how children’s braces are designed to prevent that from happening.

The Importance of Symmetry

Prevention, early detection, and early treatment are dominant factors in all areas of good dental health. For instance, preventing tooth decay and gum disease can help you avoid the need to restore dental damage caused by the infections. Likewise, correcting a child’s incorrectly-growing bite at an early age can help place that child’s smile on the path to permanent proper alignment. Continue reading Beverly Hills Orthodontist Discuss Prevention with Children’s Braces

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L.A. Orthodontist—Healthy School Lunches for Children with Braces

school-lunch-tupperwarePlanning your children’s school lunches can be challenging alone, but if one or more of your children wear braces, then the challenge can be a bit more demanding. Aside from feeding your kids the minerals and nutrients they need, you also have to take into consideration the challenges they face when eating with braces. Your dedicated Los Angeles orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, helps take the stress out of school-lunch planning by offering a few tips on what to pack.

What to Steer Clear Of…

Foods that can stick to or damage your child’s braces should be avoided, such as;

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Las Vegas Orthodontist Discusses Braces for Children

Digital Image by Sean Locke Digital Planet Design www.digitalplanetdesign.comThere’s a reason why braces are often associated with younger children. As Dr. Alpan advises, early orthodontic treatment can help prevent the need for extensive treatment as your children grown older, and should be implemented (when needed) as early as possible. Your dedicated Las Vegas orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, explains the advantage of early orthodontic intervention, and offers a variety of braces to suit the specific needs of your children.

The Importance of Early Intervention

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, your child should receive an initial occlusal analysis by age seven. Since your child’s teeth, jaws, and face are still forming at this age, intercepting functional and alignment problems can make it less complicated to finish treatment once your child’s permanent smile has finished growing. Depending on the case, children’s braces can help guide jawbone growth, direct permanent teeth into their optimal positions, and maintain/restore symmetry to your child’s smile. Continue reading Las Vegas Orthodontist Discusses Braces for Children

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Las Vegas Orthodontist: Try Our Better Smiles Quiz

braces6Would you like to obtain a better smile? For many of us, dental issues related to misalignment hinder the appearance of our smiles. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we provide an array of orthodontic treatment to improve the look and function of your smile. In today’s blog, your Las Vegas orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, uses a fun quiz to explain how our orthodontic treatment techniques can boost the beauty of your smile.

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