Los Angeles Orthodontist Blog

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5 Tips to maintain your braces!

Ormco-GirlsOrthodontics is the vehicle that delivers a patient’s teeth to their final destination of a stunning, straight smile. That vehicle must be correctly maintained and cared for if it is going to arrive at its destination in a timely manner, and without costly repairs and setbacks. Dr. David Alpan, a Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas orthodontics expert, has provided these five tips to help patients care for their appliances and teeth during treatment:

Floss Teeth Twice a Day:
Flossing helps clean the areas between teeth toothbrushes often miss. A floss threader will help patients navigate around their appliances while warding off germs and decay.

Brush Teeth After Every Meal:
In combination with a standard toothbrush, an interdental toothbrush is a must-have tool that helps clean the tricky spaces under wires. Teeth and appliances should be brushed after meals and prior to going to bed using toothpaste and gentle strokes.

Be Consistent With Elastics:
If elastics have been prescribed, they should be worn at all times, except during meals and while brushing teeth. “Missing a single day of elastic wear after even a week of consistent use puts a patient’s teeth at risk of shifting back to their original position,” says Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas Orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan.

Address Damage Promptly:
If damage has occurred to a patient’s appliance, they should contact their orthodontics provider immediately to schedule an appointment to have it fixed. Wax and an antiseptic rinse can provide relief from irritation until the appointment.

Follow Food Guidelines:
Foods like jerky and candies should be avoided since they can break appliances, which may add months to treatment. By using these tips and guidelines, patients can avoid costly setbacks due to damage and additional doctor visits, says Dr. Alpan

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Check out our star patient!

We would like to send a shout out to our patient Camryn for all her success in the music industry. Camryn is currently on tour and has opened up for boy band “One Direction”. Check her website out for more information.





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Are You Playing It Safe With Your Teeth?

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA- College and professional football is already a couple months into the season, which makes us think about our patients who are aspiring young athletes participating in organized sports and whether they are playing safely.


Have you been wearing a mouth guard to protect your mouth and braces during practices and games? In August, during the flurry of back to school preparations, we reminded you to check mouth guards for signs of wear and to make sure they fit properly. If you haven’t, make sure you do.

“Playing sports considerably increases your risk of dental injury,” says Dr. David Alpan, a Los Angeles orthodontist and a profoundly experienced Las Vegas TMD dentist. “But you can prevent the vast majority of sports-related traumatic injuries if you consistently use protective gear, including a mouth guard.”

The National Youth Sports Safety Foundation predicted that more than three million teeth will be knocked out in youth sporting activities in 2012, but when the American Association of Orthodontists did a survey about mouth guards, 67 percent of parents admitted their children don’t wear one during organized sports.

It’s not just contact sports that a mouth guard is recommended for, though. A lot of dental injuries come from athletes playing baseball and basketball. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons says children and adults who participate in any sport that involves falls, body contact or flying equipment should wear one, including skateboarding and mountain biking.

“Keeping your teeth safe and sound is the number one priority of a mouth guard,” says Dr. Alpan, who offers orthodontics for children and adults. “Keeping the brackets, wires and other appliances from getting damaged is also important. Any time something breaks, there is a chance that it will set back the treatment schedule.”

The three classifications of mouth guards are stock, boil-and-bite and customized. A custom-made mouth guard will provide the most comfortable fit, but any type of mouth guard or performance wear an athlete chooses to protect their teeth is better than not wearing one.

“You can get mouth guards in different colors or with team logos in them,” says Dr. Alpan, who offers the popular Invisalign Teen aligners at his practice. “There are even flavored guards that taste like lemon, mint, orange, bubblegum and fruit punch.”

Three Things To Remember About Mouth Guards
When choosing a mouth guard, remember this acronym: CFP.

  1. Comfort. Mouth guards should never restrict speech or breathing. Athletes often complain that mouth guards are uncomfortable. A good mouth guard will still take some getting used to, but it won’t be painful or uncomfortable.
  2. Fit. The guard should fit over all the teeth and orthodontic appliances to protect them. Depending on the bite, it may cover the gums as well. You can have us check yours to make sure it fits properly.
  3. Protection. Some mouth guards offer what they claim to be better protection than others. Whatever you choose should be resilient and tear-resistant.

Please contact our office if you would like to schedule a free consultation with the doctor or need to be fitted for a mouth guard.

© 2012 Master Google and Dr. David Alpan. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole sources. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Los Angeles Orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan recommends the best orthodontic-friendly Halloween treats.

October is National Orthodontic Health Month, celebrated by orthodontists throughout the U.S. and Canada, but it is also more commonly known as the month of Halloween. Halloween and all its accompanying candy can be a scary time for teeth. As part of National Orthodontic Health Month, Los Angeles Orthodontist Dr. David Alpan of Aesthetic Orthodontics wants to remind patients and the entire community that even though Halloween treats can play tricks on orthodontic treatment, there are a few quick tips to keep teeth safe from decay, and protect braces, clear aligners and other orthodontic “appliances” during the Halloween season.

• Avoid sticky situations with your braces and aligners. Stay away from hard, sticky, crunchy or chewy candy and snacks. These include hard or chewy candies, caramel, licorice, taffy, bubblegum (even the sugarless kind) and jelly beans.

• Careful with crunchiness. Patients want to steer away from hard-shelled peanut candies, nuts or nut-filled candies, taco chips and popcorn (especially unpopped kernels). And whether in orthodontic treatment or not, Dr. Alpan says no one should ever chew ice.

• Not all Halloween candy is off-limits. Good alternatives include soft chocolates, peanut butter cups or other melt-in-your-mouth varieties. The American Association of Orthodontists even offers orthodontic-friendly recipes for Halloween on its website, mylifemysmile.org.

• Brushing and flossing are more important than ever during the Halloween season, when teeth may receive more exposure to sweets that can cause cavities. Orthodontic patients should be especially conscientious about brushing and flossing after consuming sugary or starchy foods.

“It is possible to enjoy some traditional candies at Halloween without causing problems with orthodontics,” says Dr. Alpan. “Everyone really wants to have fun on this holiday, and we encourage patients to enjoy treats that are acceptable, rather than feel that they are missing out. It’s important to remember that when patients’ orthodontic treatment is complete, and they see their new smiles in the mirror, they will know all of their efforts now were worthwhile.”

Dr. Alpan is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the world’s oldest and largest dental specialty organization. It represents more than 17,000 orthodontist members throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. The Association encourages and sponsors key research to enable its members to provide the highest quality of care to patients, and is committed to educating the public about the need for, and benefits of, orthodontic treatment.

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Tips For People Wearing Braces This Halloween

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Halloween and its sugary goodness is coming soon but we don’t want you to land yourself in the office because of a broken appliance, so Dr. David Alpan is helping you brush up on orthodontic health and what treats can be enjoyed without breaking brackets or wires.

“We’re well aware that the majority of kids-and be honest, adults too-will indulge in the trick or treating loot,” says Dr. Alpan, who is a Las Vegas braces provider. “We just want them to enjoy Halloween candy carefully and in moderation so they don’t damage braces or wind up with cavities.”

Broken appliances can throw off treatment schedules, meaning you’re wearing braces longer, or it can damage teeth causing the bull’s eye effect.

Here are some tips for celebrating Halloween without your mouth getting scary:

  • Come up with other ways to have fun that isn’t food-focused, like decorating your mouth with colorful ties or bands on metal braces.
  • Get a sweet deal by participating in a candy buy back event and swapping in the goodies for cash. These events usually donate candy to organizations like Operation Gratitude that include the candy care packages sent to people in the U.S. military and their families.
  • Unless you’re wearing removable aligners like Invisalign, you will have to modify how you eat certain kinds of candy. In many cases, there is no need to miss out. For instance, instead of eating a candied apple off the stick, you can slice the apple into thin pieces. Instead of biting off pieces of toffee, crush them up and sprinkle on pudding or ice cream. Switch from chewing on chunks of caramel to enjoying a creamy caramel sauce.
  • Chocolate is usually a safe bet for fixed braces wearers, as long as it doesn’t have nuts or hard caramel in it.
  • Consider trying new candy that doesn’t have hard, sticky ingredients. You might discover a new favorite.
  • Brush teeth as soon as possible after eating with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

“Sugar is bad for your teeth because it creates an environment conducive for cavity- and bad breath-causing bacteria that lead to tooth erosion and cavities,” says Dr. Alpan, a kids’ orthodontist who also offers orthodontics for adults. “So it is very important that you keep teeth clean otherwise you could wind up with cavities or white spots on teeth when the braces are removed.”

People with fixed braces need to brush their teeth for five minutes three times a day for healthier teeth, good breath, fewer cavities and to avoid painful dental problems.

It’s estimated that people spent $2.3 billion on Halloween candy last year,” says Dr. Alpan, a Las Vegas Invisalign expert. “If you’re going to eat any of the candy that will be purchased this year, just be sure to follow proper orthodontic health guidelines to stay healthy and avoid breaking appliances.”

© 2012 Dr. David Alpan and Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Care to Share Program

Care-to-shareWe have a popular program that has taken off, its called Care to Share. We reward our patients handsomely with an Aesthetic Orthodontics Visa gift card for referring family and friends. We think it is important to make it worth your while and to extend our thanks with a monetary reward.

Special thanks to Patient Cheryl for referring a patient to our practice.

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Care to share program

At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we offer a program to our patients called Care to Share! We reward our patients handsomely with a Visa gift card for referring friends. There is no better way to honor us than by referring friends and family, so we think it is important to make it worth your while and to extend our thanks with a monetary reward.

Special thanks to Patient Jasmine for referring a patient to our practice.

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Los Angeles Office Earns An “Extraordinary” Rating In Google+ Reviews

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-Our Los Angeles office location received enough reviews on Google+ Local to earn an overall score of 29 out of 30, also called the extraordinary to perfection category.

“We appreciate it when our patients take the time to write a review about us, and we are grateful to have so many wonderful reviews and happy customers,” says Dr. David Alpan, a Los Angeles braces orthodontist.

User reviews are what determine all of the scores in Google+ Local. Individual user ratings are based on a zero to three point scale, ranging from poor or fair to excellent. Once there are enough ratings, Google takes those ratings, averages them, and multiplies by 10 to arrive at an average score.

The online reviews of our practice help other people who are looking for an orthodontist make an informed decision. The simple act of leaving a review can help an undecided person choose Aesthetic Orthodontics when they hear directly from current and former patients what quality of care they can expect and whether patients are happy with their overall experience. It can even help patients choose what type of braces they want when they can read what others thought about their treatment with Incognito braces or Invisalign Teen.

“Potential patients will read these reviews and what you are saying about us can dramatically impact our practice,” says Dr. Alpan, who also provides Las Vegas orthodontics for children, teens and adults.

We would love to have more reviews of our offices on Google+, especially our other two locations in Las Vegas and Beverly Hills that have very few reviews so far. (Las Vegas office  &  Beverly Hills office) Leaving a review is a fast and easy process. You just have to visit the Google+ Local page for the office location you are reviewing, click on the blue box that says “Write A Review,” rate the quality, appeal and service of our practice from zero to three, and write a brief description of your experience and interactions with our staff throughout your treatment process.

“We want to extend a big thank you to all those who have taken the time to write a review of our team and share feedback about their orthodontic experience and the treatment they received,” says Dr. Alpan.

© 2012 Dr. David Alpan and Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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Patients Dish On Treatment, Damon Braces, Invisalign

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA-Reading descriptions of different types of braces and looking at the pictures are great sources of information for people considering orthodontic treatment, but nothing is better than hearing from actual patients what having braces is like.

We have just that for people searching for Las Vegas orthodontics providers. Aesthetic Orthodontics’ channel on YouTube has 85 videos of patients sharing video testimonials and informative clips from Dr. David Alpan about braces.

“On our YouTube channel you can hear patients who have had Damon and Damon Clear braces and patients using invisible braces treatment like the Invisalign system. We have testimonials from kids and teenagers and a lot of reviews from men and women who have gotten braces as adults,” says Dr. Alpan, who is also a Los Angeles TMJ dentist.

We treat adult and pediatric orthodontics patients here with all of the latest types of braces. Dr. Alpan is among the leading providers worldwide for the Damon system, Incognito braces and Invisalign. He is also a specialist in jaw joint pain, which can be caused by a misaligned bite, and offers TMJ, TMD and MSD therapies to treat it.

The patients weigh in with their honest descriptions of their experiences with the treatments we offer. Some like Fabio, who is an adult patient who has reviewed our practice, hold nothing back. In his testimonial, he said that the doctor was fantastic during his 13 months of treatment but the staff was even better.

The high quality of care is a reoccurring theme among the reviews from adult patients. Many of them came to Las Vegas braces pro, Dr. Alpan, to correct work from other orthodontic practices or because they didn’t wear a retainer after getting braces as a child or teen.

Andrea, who is in her late 40s, sought out orthodontics with us when her teeth shifted out of alignment after having braces as an early teen. At the time of her video testimonial, she had just had the braces taken off after nearly two years of treatment and said she was going to take advantage of our teeth bleaching service to put the finishing touch on her new smile.

Ruby, who had braces twice before finding Dr. Alpan, said she finally found an orthodontist who got it right. She is very happy with the results of her orthodontic treatment this time around.

“If you or someone you know is considering braces, check out our videos to find out more about the treatment process. You can learn about our office and see the finished product,” says Dr. Alpan.

Please contact our office if you would like to schedule a free consultation with the doctor or if you are a current or former patient who would like to submit a video testimonial about your experience with braces.

© 2012 Master Google and Dr. David Alpan. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Dr. David Alpan and Master Google are credited as sole sources. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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What Kind of Toothbrush Should I Use?

When it comes to selecting a toothbrush, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming. But there are some guidelines you can follow to help you choose.

When selecting a manual toothbrush, find one with a compact head. A head that is more compact takes up a smaller surface area on the teeth allowing you to focus on just two or three teeth at a time. Brushing can be more thorough with a compact head. You should also make sure the brush has soft bristles. This reduces the risk of brushing off enamel if you are someone who brushes too hard. Once that enamel is gone, it will not come back. Be conscious of how hard you are brushing.

Electric Toothbrushes are great for people who may not have the dexterity to use a manual toothbrush like children, people with certain diseases or disabilities, and elderly people who may have lost some of their dexterity. Of course, they are great for any person who prefers an electric toothbrush, but they are especially effective for anyone that might have a more difficult time using a manual toothbrush. For braces patients, an electrical toothbrush can be very beneficial because it is easier to maneuver around each bracket and tooth.

If you are trying to decide between electric and manual, it is really a matter of preference. I use a manual brush, but no matter which brush you choose, it all comes down to the way you brush whether you are using a manual or electric toothbrush. Brushing for two minutes twice daily and focusing on each tooth is essential for good oral hygiene.