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When Tooth Extraction Can Save Your Smile, with Your L.A. Orthodontist

hiding-smile-behind-a-tableWhile losing a healthy tooth is typically a disastrous experience for your oral health, sometimes a tooth must go for the greater good of your smile. As Dr. David Alpan explains, most preferable dental treatments should focus on preserving as much healthy tooth tissue as possible; however, if a crooked, damaged, or severely diseased tooth interferes with your good dental health, then extraction may be the only solution. Today, your Los Angeles orthodontist describes when tooth extraction is the only viable option, and how it can serve your smile’s best interests.

Only When it’s Necessary

Wisdom teeth—the last four molars to erupt in a healthy adult mouth—are usually the only teeth that can be extracted without negatively affecting your oral health and function. In fact, impacted wisdom teeth often cause crowding, push existing teeth out of alignment, and disturb your smile’s delicate symmetry. Similarly, a severely crooked, diseased, or damaged tooth may interfere with your orthodontic treatment and require removal to make room for other teeth.

Immediately After

Discomfort and swelling are common immediately following the procedure and can usually be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers and an ice pack. Eat only soft foods and try chewing with the side of your mouth opposite the extraction site. Applesauce, frozen yogurt, Jell-O, sugar-free pudding, and other cold foods can offer a bit of relief, as well. After 24 hours, change the ice pack to a warm compress; heat will more effectively reduce the swelling and ease discomfort at this point. If pain and inflammation persist for longer than a few days, then inform your dentist immediately.

Learn More About Tooth Extraction & Orthodontics in L.A.

To learn more about tooth extraction and its possible benefits to your orthodontic treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. David Alpan by calling 213-513-7559 today for a free initial consultation. Alpan Orthodontics follows a long family tradition of enhancing your family’s smiles. For your convenience we have an office in Los Angeles, and Beverly Hills. We proudly serve patients across all surrounding communities.