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Saving Money on Dental Costs

Here are some easy ways to save money on dental costs:

1. Go to the dentist! – Yes, it may sound counterintuitive to saving money, but keeping up with regular checkups with help keep those pearly whites clean and will catch those pesky plaque problems early so that treatment will cost you less in the long run.

2. Eat healthy – Cut back on those sugary and acidic foods. Dental bacteria thrives on sugar, leading to cavities. Acid can erode your enamel, exposing the dentin. This makes you more susceptible to cavities and sensitive teeth.

3. Buy All-Natural Toothpaste and Mouthwash – Staying away from detergents, alcohol, and other chemical agents is better for your dental health and your overall health. Harsh chemicals and detergents can be irritating, and alcohol can lead to dryness.

4. Exercise – People who exercise regularly have less incidents of gum disease as exercise can boost your immune system and increases blood circulation.

5. Don’t Stress! – Teeth grinding and TMJ disorders can all be caused by poor stress management. The good news is that they can also be reduced by good stress management.

6. When You Have a Problem Ask For Options – Teeth can be treated in different ways, some more cost-effective than others. Ask your dentist what the most cost-effective way to treat your issue is. If you cannot afford payment for multiple issues, prioritize. Treat the issues that need immediate attention first. Your dentist may even offer financing opportunities or a discount if you ask for one.

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Brushing Those Baby Teeth

Children should be supervised while brushing their teeth until the age of six to ensure that the teeth are being cleaned properly and that the child is learning proper dental hygiene habits.

It may seem like taking care of baby teeth isn’t a serious concern since kids are going to lose them anyway. However, the way baby teeth are cared for helps avoid cavities and infections. It also can help prepare adult teeth to come in more properly spaced and aligned, and can even enhance language development.

At around the age of two or three, you can begin letting your child brush while supervised, and then take over to do a more thorough job at the end. I recommend fluoride-free toothpaste for infants and toddlers, at the very least until the child learns how to spit. If you decide to use a toothpaste with fluoride, use it sparingly and only up to a pea-sized amount.

Help your child avoid sugary foods and other foods that are sticky as these foods easily lead to tooth decay. If your child does have these kinds of foods, make sure they rinse with water afterwards or at least drink a glass of water.

Being an active participant in your child’s oral hygiene will lead to good dental health habits once your child is old enough to start brushing unsupervised.

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Consequences of Misaligned Teeth

Learn about the benefits of Orthodontic Treatment and the consequences of misaligned teeth. Feel free to give us a call for a free consultation. A beautiful smile is just a phone call away!

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Dig Your Teeth Into This!

Dig Your Teeth Into This: While Early Carnivorous Ancestors Thrived, Vegetarian Ancestors Went Extinct – Medical Daily


Medical Daily just concluded: “New research has emerged that has found that our ancestors’ dietary habits had a hand in keeping some alive and driving others extinct. Specifically, research has found that ancestors who were vegetarians died out while their meat-eating counterparts – our ancestors – thrived.”


I always recommend eating a well-balanced diet and I believe in the benefits of adding meat to our diets.  What is most fascinating about these findings is that scientists were able to measure and quantify the amounts of different compounds and elements in fossilized teeth to determine the diets in early civilization through the use of lasers. 

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Flossing: How to Do it Correctly

Not a lot of people like to floss their teeth, but flossing is essential to proper dental hygiene. Your toothbrush does not reach all of the spaces between your teeth, and a lot of bacteria can build up here leading to dental caries and gum disease.

Flossing can be quick and painless if done correctly and made a habit.

You have two material options when it comes to floss, nylon and PTFE. Most people use nylon because it’s cheaper, but some opt for PTFE because it can be softer on the gums and is more durable. Both are effective.

Remove at least 18 inches (1 1/2 feet) of floss from the dispenser, wrap the floss and then hold it between your thumb on one hand, and your forefinger on the other so that it is taut. There should be 1-2 inches of usable floss between the hands.

Move the floss in a back and forth motion, up and down the space between each individual tooth to remove plaque and dislodge any food particles that may be lodged in between the teeth. Slide the floss up and down the surface of each tooth and around the gum line.

It’s that simple. Don’t rush your way through flossing. Try to keep your mind on the task at hand and do a thorough job. Throw out the floss when you are done and voila! Beautifully flossed teeth. Nothing to it.

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Dreaming of Teeth?

Teeth-Falling-OutHave you ever had a dream that your teeth were falling out? Perhaps your teeth crumbled in your hands, or you watched the rot and slowly fall out? All of these are extremely common dreams, but they can leave behind horrifying images and be very disturbing. So what do these dreams mean? Among the dream community, there are a few accepted interpretations.

One interpretation is that dreaming about your teeth falling out can reflect your anxieties about your personal appearance. Your dreams often reflect how you feel about yourself or other events happening in your life. You may be concerned about your smile, your overall appearance, getting old, or feeling rejected. All of these are normal, healthy emotions but they may be weighing more on your mind than you think if you are experiencing these kinds of dreams.

You may feel embarrassed in your dream as your teeth are falling out. If so, the dream may be rooted in a fear of making a fool out of yourself or being rejected. Maybe your feel unprepared for something you are working on. Your dream is just an exaggeration of these anxieties.

Teeth are also seen as a symbol of power in dreams. Teeth are used to gnaw, rip, bite, and chew. Losing your teeth may mean that you feel powerless in a situation. Perhaps you lack self-confidence or feel that you have difficulties expressing how you feel. This dream can serve as an indication that you need to focus on being more assertive and taking control of your feelings.

Dreaming about braces? If you have a dream about having braces on your teeth, it usually means you need to “brace yourself” for something that is about to happen.

If you are self-conscious about your appearance because your smile isn’t becoming to you, please come in for a free consultation to discover how we can help you create the smile of your dreams!

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A Smarter Sweet Tooth

Sugar! To some of us, sugar may seem like nature’s most perfect food. But, as we all know, sugar can be extremely detrimental to our health including increasing the risk for numerous diseases, and leading to tooth decay. Obviously, it would be a healthy choice to eliminate sugar from our diets as much as possible, but that is an undertaking that may seem nearly impossible for those of us with a strong sweet tooth. Instead of giving in to each sweet temptation, however, we can still satisfy a sweet tooth by making smarter nutritional decisions when reaching for a little sugar.

If you are used to going to the fridge at night for a little ice cream, opt for a smoothie instead. Blend a cup of skim milk with a cup of fruit and you’ve got yourself a real treat. Or, grab a little yogurt. Have your favorite flavor, or get some plain or vanilla yogurt and mix it with some honey and cinnamon. This gives you more calcium, probiotics, and antioxidants than that high-fat, high-sugar content ice cream ever will.

For those of you with a chocolate craving, why not make some chocolate milk or melt some semi-sweet chocolate chips and dip your favorite fresh fruit into it? These options carry more nutritional value than that candy bar you’ve been craving.

There are always ways to make our favorite junk foods healthier, and the internet is a great way research and explore some of those options. But, if you just can’t live without that piece of pie, remember to eat in moderation and keep a healthy lifestyle by staying active and exercising.

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Back and Forth or Up and Down?

Improper brushing techniques can lead to many long term problems including gingivitis, dental caries, gum recession, and sensitive teeth due to loss of enamel. None of these issues are any fun, but practicing good brushing techniques now can significantly improve your dental health.

If you have sensitive teeth, the best thing to do is to brush less rigorously in an up and down circular motion away from the gums. Many people brush very hard back and forth causing the teeth to heat up and become more sensitive. It may help to use a toothpaste designed specifically for people with sensitive teeth. Your doctor may prescribe a special rinse if you are in a lot of pain or discomfort.

When you need a brush-up lesson on how to brush, you can turn to YouTube for instructional videos, or ask us at your next appointment what the best techniques are for taking care of those pearly whites. This is especially important when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, as it can be more difficult to keep the teeth free of food particles that cause tartar and plaque build up.

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Dental Benefits of Licorice Root

Licorice root has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat sore throats and coughs, arthritis, liver disorder, and food poisoning. It is also good for dental and oral health and has been shown to be effective in fighting cavities and gingivitis. In fact, many all-natural toothpastes contain licorice root.

*Before taking any supplement, consult with your doctor. Licorice root should not be taken by pregnant women and may interact with some prescription drugs. Different supplements may also increase blood pressure or alter potassium. Licorice candy is often flavored with anise, not licorice root, and candy is not to be used as a supplement.

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Braces for Canines

And I’m not talking teeth! Did you know that there are orthodontics available for your dog? Usually, braces and other orthodontic treatments are only performed due to necessity, but some pet owners, especially those of purebreds, opt for orthodontics out of vanity.

Straightening teeth and correcting bites for purely aesthetic reasons is not typically recommended in the veterinary community because they are not necessary and are usually just as costly as treatment for humans. However, there are a number of necessary orthodontic procedures that are performed due to injury, impacted teeth, or even severely pronounced overbites.

If your dog is in a lot of pain or discomfort due to dental conditions, or has a condition that may lead to more serious health complications, owners should take steps to resolve those issues. Orthodontic treatment solely for aesthetic reasons and owner vanity should be avoided.