Los Angeles Orthodontist Blog

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Las Vegas Pediatric Orthodontist Changes 1st Impressions

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – You only have once chance to make a first impression. Do you what your smile is saying about you?
The American Academy of Periodontology surveyed 253 people about first impressions and smiles. The information posted on the organization’s website reported that half of them considered the smile the first facial feature that people notice, and 80 percent of those who participated in the study indicated that they were unhappy with their smile.

“Your smile can be the most significant aspect of a first impression,” says Dr. David Alpan a Las Vegas pediatric orthodontist. “It carries a type of social importance, but it may have an economic one as well, in terms of getting that job.”
Making a good first impression on a job interview is essential during tough economic times when there are a flood of candidates for each of the few jobs available.

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A Happy Marriage: You and Your Retainer

Retainer, meet patient. Patient, meet retainer. Get to know each other well because you will be seeing a lot of each other. In fact, I now pronounce you patient and retainer til death do you part. Yes, retainers are for life, but the good news is, your teeth are straight for life as well!

Retainers are completely loyal to you as long as you are loyal to them. But if you should decide that you would rather be single for awhile, when you come back to your retainer, the retainer may not be the right fit for you anymore. So what happens when your retainer doesn’t fit? Well, it’s time to schedule a visit with me. The best case scenario – I’ll make you a new retainer. Worst case scenario – you will need to start treatment all over again to get your teeth straight again.

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Change is Good

We are making some exciting changes at Aesthetic Orthodontics. This week we launched our new website, which has a more modern look and feel to it and is more user-friendly. The new website will make it easier for patients to find information about our offices, different treatment options that we offer, and answers to common questions that patients have before and during treatment. We continue to provide T.Link, a patient account system, making it easy to manage appointments, see before and after photos, suggest referrals, and view account balances. Earlier this year, we created a new logo that has made our brand more identifiable and cutting-edge. Additionally, we have new marketing materials and promotional items available to our patients and are planning on implementing new contests and games to keep an overall sense of community amongst our team and our patients. We are very excited about these new changes and hope that you will spend a few minutes reacquainting yourself with Aesthetic Orthodontics.

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Face Value

smiling_people12-300x211In our society and culture, a full smile showing teeth is a sign of trust and friendliness, but many people feel self-conscious about showing off their full set of pearly whites. People value smiles, but how much do you value your own smile? How comfortable are you with your smile? Are you only smiling half way? Are you less confident talking with coworkers, friends, and strangers than you’d like to be? Do other people seem comfortable talking with you and looking you in the face? Do you feel like your teeth have changed over the years and are now less confident with the impression you feel you are making with your smile? All of these are valid questions in a society that values straight teeth and beautiful smiles.If you are in the market for a job, perhaps you feel like you’d make a better impression in an interview with a healthier smile. If you are negotiating deals, perhaps you’d feel like you’d seem more credible with beautiful teeth.

A lot of people would like to change their smile but many never take action. Often it is because they are afraid of the costs of treatment and dental work or they don’t like the idea of having to wear braces. But, they don’t realize that there are many options and alternatives available. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, we work with you to come up with a customized treatment plan, and we do whatever we can to make it as affordable as possible.

If you are ready for a change and would like to find out how we can help you create that smile that you have been dreaming of, give us a call for a completely free consultation. Even if you have been told by another doctor that you need surgery or dental work, we may be able to come up with better, more affordable options for you. We provide exceptional care so that you will leave smiling with confidence.

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Seven Common Questions Parents Have

The article below was posted on the American Association of Orthodontists website and I think it is a great starting place for parents who are considering orthodontic treatment. The Aesthetic Orthodontics website offers more in-depth information about orthodontic treatment. As always, I invite you and your family to come in for a free consultation to evaluate the treatment options that may be available to you.

Today, nearly four million children in the United States and Canada are receiving treatment from members of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). And while parents know that orthodontic treatment results in a healthy, beautiful smile, many don’t realize the important long-term health benefits.

As part of its commitment to education, the AAO provides parents with this list of answers to commonly asked questions about orthodontic care.

1. Why is orthodontic treatment important?
A: Straight teeth and properly aligned jaws contribute to good dental health as well as overall physical health. Orthodontic treatment can boost a person’s self-image as teeth, lips and jaws move into position and improve appearance.

2. How do parents know if their child needs orthodontic treatment?
A: The best way is to visit an orthodontist. The AAO recommends that all children get a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age seven.

3. What if my child still has baby teeth at age seven? Should they still see an orthodontist?
A: Yes. By age 7, enough permanent teeth have arrived for orthodontists to evaluate how the teeth and jaws meet, and to identify current or developing problems. If an orthodontic problem is detected, the orthodontist and parents can discuss when treatment may be necessary.

4. How does a child’s growth affect orthodontic treatment?
A: Treatment and growth often compliment each other. In some cases, the orthodontist takes advantage of a child’s growth to guide jaws and teeth into their ideal positions.

5. How often do you visit your orthodontist while in orthodontic treatment?
A: Typically a child will see the orthodontist every 6-12 weeks throughout the course of treatment.

6. If you currently don’t have an orthodontist, what is the best way to find someone to treat orthodontic problems?
A: To find an orthodontist near you, ask for a referral from your family dentist, your pediatrician or your child’s school nurse. Or you can visit www.braces.org and click on the Find an Orthodontist service. It is important to choose an orthodontist who is a member of the AAO. Orthodontists receive an additional two to three years of specialized education beyond dental school to learn the proper way to align and straighten teeth. Only those with this formal education may call themselves “orthodontists,” and only orthodontists may be members of the AAO.

7. What is the average cost of orthodontic treatment?
A: Fees will vary, depending on the treatment needed. Most orthodontists offer convenient payment plans, making treatment more affordable than ever. Most orthodontists will work with you to find a plan that fits your family budget. In addition, many patients have dental insurance that includes orthodontic benefits. Check with your employer’s human resources department to learn about your coverage.

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Las Vegas Orthodontist Treats TMJ And Muscle Disorders

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – The most common cause of facial pain in the jaw joint, muscles that control jaw movement, and supporting tissue is a group of conditions called temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJDs).

They cause recurrent or chronic pain and are the second most commonly occurring musculoskeletal conditions resulting in pain and disability. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, they affect 5 to 12 percent of the population, or 10 million Americans, and are more common among women than men.

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Las Vegas Children’s Orthodontist Says Medical History Key

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – The health questionnaire is more than just another page of new patient paperwork to fill out. It is information that tells the orthodontist what the best treatment plan is for you and how to keep you healthy throughout the process.

This means Dr. David Alpan, who provides orthodontics for children and adults, needs the complete and up-to-date medical history of each patient.

“Because orthodontic treatment usually spans an extended period of time, sometimes medical statuses change like prescription medications or a newly-diagnosed condition,” says Dr. Alpan, who offers Damon braces. “Just keep us informed so we can keep you safe and provide the best possible orthodontic experience.”

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Ice Ice Baby

 I have to admit, I take pleasure in crunching ice between my teeth from time to time. As I was crunching on a piece this week at lunch, it spurred the idea for this post. Lots of people chew ice, so I scoured the internet for interesting ice-chewing stories. Turns out, there are forums and sites out there for people that are addicted to chewing ice. I don’t mean that they make sure they finish all of the ice in their cups at meals or have ice for a snack. These are people who are full-on addicted to chewing ice.” Here are some of their stories:

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A Barbie Girl in a Barbie World

Barbie13One of my patients came in for her appointment this week, and she told me that she has been working on behalf of Mattel as Barbie, making appearances and going to events. Being Barbie is a fantastic opportunity, and we are all very proud of this patient.

When I think of Barbie, I see her as a cultural icon. Some people see the her as the perfect girl. Barbie has certainly taken a beating with feminists pounding out all of the reasons why Barbie reeks havoc on young women’s perceptions of body image. While that may or may not be true, many people, men and women alike, strive for perfection in one way or another, whether it is in their job, their marriage, their sport or hobby, or even their image.

Back in May, I wrote a post about how smiles can sometimes be so perfect that they can look fake. We’ve all seen these smiles. Smiles that are too white or too even. I always strive to create beautiful, balanced smiles that complement each patient because it is my personal belief that a natural-looking smile is more beautiful than a smile that looks too, well, plastic…or porcelain, as it were. At the end of the day, regardless of whether you look like Barbie or Ken, it’s your idiosyncrasies, imperfections, and the most natural aspects of who you are that actually make you perfect.

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Las Vegas Dentist, Orthodontist Closes Diastema

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – Diastema is a condition referring to an open space between teeth, most often the upper central incisors, which Dr. David Alpan, Las Vegas dentist, can fix at his practice Aesthetic Orthodontics.
Many well-known people – actors, actresses, political figures, athletes and musicians – have diastema and opted not to change it, such as Condoleezza Rice, Elton John, Madonna, David Letterman and Michael “Flea” Balzary.

“Other celebrities decided to have the gap between their teeth closed,” says Dr. Alpan. The American actor Zac Efron and the Australian country music star Keith Urban have both had dental work done to close the gap between their teeth.

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