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Beverly Hills Orthodontist Explains Lingual Braces

young-woman-confident-smileAs a dedicated orthodontist in Beverly Hills, Dr. David Alpan specializes in all aspects of orthodontic treatment, including your personal preferences, comfort, and confidence throughout the course of your treatment. For your convenience, we offer numerous different kinds of braces to suit various needs. Today, we explore the benefits of Incognito hidden braces—an advanced form of lingual braces that are fully customizable for optimal comfort and success.

What are Lingual Braces?

An important concern for many adult patients who need orthodontic treatment is the pronounced appearance of traditional braces. As the name suggests, lingual braces are placed on the lingual, or inside, surface of your teeth, facing towards your tongue. Incognito hidden braces are uniquely designed to your mouth’s specifications and contoured to fit the lingual surface of your teeth, offering you the precision and effectiveness of traditional braces without announcing your orthodontic treatment to the world. Aside from Incognito, Dr. Alpan has extensive with nearly every lingual system, including invisibraces, AOA lingual braces, 3M Creekmore lingual braces, Harmony braces, lingual care, and i-braces. Continue reading Beverly Hills Orthodontist Explains Lingual Braces

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Beverly Hills Orthodontist Explains the Basics of Braces

smile-las-vegasBraces, along with various other orthodontic treatments, are a common and highly-effective means to restoring order and balance to a misaligned smile. To help you better understand the need for and benefits of braces, your Beverly Hills orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, offers a brief breakdown of why you would need braces in the first place, then explains the components of modern braces and how they straighten your teeth. Continue reading Beverly Hills Orthodontist Explains the Basics of Braces

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Common Types of Malocclusion Explained by Your Las Vegas Orthodontist

woman-covering-her-smileLike many dental health issues, addressing crooked teeth isn’t always as simple as it may seem. Prescribing the right orthodontic treatment depends first on a thorough occlusal analysis to determine how well your upper and lower teeth fit together. The disturbance of this balance is known as malocclusion, and it can occur in a number of ways with various degrees of severity. Today, your Las Vegas orthodontist, Dr. David Alpan, examines three of the most common forms of malocclusion and how they relate to the proper alignment of your bite. Continue reading Common Types of Malocclusion Explained by Your Las Vegas Orthodontist

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Los Angeles Orthodontist Explains Why Straight Teeth are Necessary

girl-smiling-confidentlyMost patients with misaligned teeth (malocclusion) need little more motivation to straighten their teeth than the diminished confidence of a crooked smile. For older teens and adult patients, however, the benefits of a straighter smile are often weighed against the consideration of wearing conspicuous metal braces, which may also affect your personal and professional confidence. At Aesthetic Orthodontics, Dr. David Alpan focuses on improving your smile’s confidence as well as its health and orientation. Today, your Los Angeles orthodontist explains why straightening your teeth is more than just a mere cosmetic concern, and describes how we can help you straighten your teeth discretely with your choice of adult orthodontic treatments. Continue reading Los Angeles Orthodontist Explains Why Straight Teeth are Necessary