Why Get Braces

Quién necesita frenos?

Muchas personas recurren a tratamientos de ortodoncia como un medio para lograr la sonrisa de confianza que sueñan. Los dientes que están correctamente alineados ayudar a promover una sonrisa saludable para toda la vida. Al invertir en un tratamiento de ortodoncia hoy con Beverly Hills, Los Ángeles y Las Vegas Ortodoncista Dr. David Alpan, podrá disfrutar de un futuro que implica una hermosa sonrisa, el aumento de la confianza y la mejora de la autoestima.

Es importante tener en cuenta que el tratamiento de ortodoncia es algo más que apariencias. También es un medio para corregir problemas de mordida que pueden tener efectos adversos en la manera de hablar o masticar la comida y puede conducir a otros problemas de salud oral.

Ocho muestras que usted puede necesitar aparatos ortopédicos

Durante su consulta gratuita de ortodoncia con el Dr. Alpan en su oficina de ortodoncia, vamos a buscar las maloclusiones siguientes, que pueden indicar que el tratamiento de ortodoncia es necesario:

  1. brace-1Sobresaliendo superior dientes-excesiva protrusión de los dientes frontales superiores, comúnmente referido como una sobremordida o bucked dientes, es el problema de ortodoncia más prevalente. Esto se puede comprobar mediante la colocación de un palito de paleta detrás de los dientes frontales superiores al morder en los dientes posteriores. Si no hay suficiente espacio para el palo, lo más probable es que usted tiene más de dos milímetros de espacio entre los dientes frontales superiores y los dientes delanteros inferiores. En muchos pacientes, la sobremordida es el resultado de una mandíbula inferior recesivo que da un "mentón débil" apariencia. Cuando los registros de pacientes se toman, la vista lateral de rayos X tiro tomado de la cabeza muestra si la mandíbula superior sobresale delante de la mandíbula inferior.
  2. brace-2Mordida abierta: si usted tiene esto, usted puede pegar su lengua entre los dientes superiores e inferiores delanteros cuando los molares están juntos.
  3. brace-3Mordida cruzada-Los dientes posteriores superiores caber dentro de los dientes inferiores, en lugar de afuera.
  4. barce-4Over-jet o una profunda mordedura-Esta condición ocurre cuando los dientes superiores cubren más de un milímetro de los dientes inferiores. En casos extremos, los dientes delanteros inferiores están cubiertas completamente por los dientes frontales superiores al morder en los dientes posteriores.
  5. brace-5Mordida-Los dientes superiores encajan dentro del arco de los dientes inferiores y la mandíbula inferior sobresale más allá de la mandíbula superior, que se da la "barbilla fuerte" apariencia.
  6. brace-6Espacio-también llamado lagunas, éstas pueden ocurrir entre los dientes superiores o inferiores.
  7. brace-7Exclusión No hay espacio suficiente para que los dientes superiores o inferiores, lo que hace que se superponen entre sí o con sólo estar demasiado juntos.
  8. barce-8Los dientes delanteros alineación: el espacio donde los dos dientes frontales superiores y los dos inferiores, los dientes delanteros cumplen deben estar alineados entre sí y ambos deben estar alineados con el puente de la nariz. Cuando no lo hacen, por lo general se debe a que los dientes se han desplazado o la mandíbula inferior ha cambiado, lo que ha dado como resultado una mordida incorrecta. Después de leer las preguntas anteriores y combinar las imágenes a sus propios dientes o mandíbulas, usted será capaz de determinar si necesita aparatos de ortodoncia.

Los padres deben buscar tratamiento para sus hijos antes de los 7 años, si su hijo tiene alguno de los siguientes:

  • Respiración por la boca abierta
  • Dificultad para masticar
  • Los problemas del habla
  • Rechinar los dientes
  • Mandíbulas que el pop o clic
  • Pulgar o el dedo hábitos de succión
  • Dientes permanentes erupcionados que haya mucha gente o se superponen
  • Morder la mejilla o en el techo de la boca
  • Obvio desarrollo mordida anormal de cualquier tipo

Cuando usted y / o su hijo sí mismos la pregunta: "Me gusta mi sonrisa y mi perfil?" y la respuesta es "No", entonces el tratamiento de ortodoncia es una decisión sabia. Si no está seguro, pregunte a otros de su confianza para darle una opinión honesta de su sonrisa y su perfil. Si ven alguna de las condiciones antes descritas, tienes derecho a recibir un tratamiento de ortodoncia.

Es un error muy común que los frenos son para niños y adolescentes, pero cualquier persona, independientemente de su edad pueden beneficiarse de un tratamiento de ortodoncia, ya sea la captura de problemas en el desarrollo temprano de los niños o para corregir un problema de mordida de muchos años que no se abordan en menor años.

Para asegurar el mejor desarrollo facial y dental general, los niños deben tener una consulta de ortodoncia en el momento en que lleguen a los 7 años, según la Asociación Americana de Ortodoncistas. Si un problema se hace evidente a una edad más joven, entonces busque una evaluación de ortodoncia antes. En esta evaluación general es sólo para la observación y vamos a seguir para monitorear el progreso de forma gratuita. Si un problema es evidente, la adopción de medidas a tiempo puede ahorrar una gran cantidad de tratamientos y gastos en el futuro.

Nunca es demasiado tarde para lograr una sonrisa hermosa. Si usted ha estado ha estado escondiendo su sonrisa o que viven con un problema de mordida por un largo tiempo, es hora de que aprendas cómo ortodoncia en adultos puede transformar su sonrisa y su vida.

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Who should get braces?

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Is it possible for teeth to straighten as my child grows?

The space available in the mouth for your teeth does not increase with age, so your child’s teeth won’t naturally straighten without orthodontic assistance as he or she grows. After the molars erupt, which usually happens in the sixth year, the space in the mouth actually decreases as the child grows older. If your child has crowded teeth, it's best to come in for a free consultation by age 7- or earlier if a glaring problem is detected.

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Can my family dentist provide orthodontic treatment?

Some family general dentists choose to take a few additional weekend training seminars in order to provide orthodontic services. Your general dentist is obliged to assume professional dental care for all of his patients. Your dentist knows what he or she is adequately skilled to do. You can trust your general dentist to do what he or she does well, and more importantly perhaps, to refer you to a specialist for required treatment that beyond his or her scope of training.

Orthodontists are dentists who have completed at least an additional two years of comprehensive, full-time specialized university training. They handle everything from the simplest to the most complicated and intricate orthodontic problems, which most general dentists typically are not qualified to treat.

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Do I need a referral?

You do not need to be referred to schedule a consultation with Las Vegas invisible braces and traditional braces provider Dr. Alpan, but we have many family dentists who refer patients to us for orthodontic treatment and TMJ, TMD and MSD treatment. If you are concerned about the health or appearance of your teeth and smile, or that of your child's, and wish to schedule a free orthodontic consultation, schedule an appointment now.

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Scheduling your first appointment

Scheduling an appointment with us is easy. Simply call us. Our phone numbers are conveniently located at the top or bottom of each of our web pages. If you prefer, you can click on the email links next to the phone numbers to send us an email instead.

We also offer the convenience of scheduling an appointment online. Our complete contact information is located on the Contact Us page, and there you will find the phone and fax numbers, our email address and a map of our three locations. If you have scheduled your first appointment with us, please click the Gold Star on the left menu bar to access and complete the new patient forms. You will need to bring these completed forms with you to your first appointment.

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What does the initial consultation cost?

Your initial orthodontic consultation is free. This consultation is what we consider to be an important first step in your orthodontic health, and a great opportunity to introduce and welcome you into our family

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Will I still need to see my family dentist?

Your general dentist still plays an important role in your overall oral health, so yes, you still need to maintain routine check-ups and professional cleanings at your general dentist’s office. Patients with braces or other orthodontic appliances can find it difficult to keep their teeth clean. Your family dentist will offer guidance regarding the frequency of check-ups.

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What are some alternatives to braces?

Dr. David Alpan, a Las Vegas Invisalign expert, and his team continue to gain knowledge through professional education courses to stay abreast of the latest advancements relative to orthodontic techniques and materials.

For many adults and teens, we can use Invisalign or Invisalign Teen. These products feature a series of aligners that are custom-made, removable, made of a medical grade clear plastic and virtually are invisible when worn. The aligners are worn in succession and are changed out every two to three weeks as they gradually move teeth into place.

Dr. Alpan became certified through Align Corporation, which makes Invisalign products, to provide Invisalign treatment to his patients in 1999. Because of the successful treatment he provided to patients using Invisalign, Align Corporation invited him in 2001 to teach other orthodontists and general dentists how to use Invisalign. During the next six years, Dr. Alpan trained more than 10,000 dentists to use the product. These dentists still invite him to teach them more about Invisalign in their Study Clubs after the two-day Invisalign seminars.

Dr. Alpan has treated more 1,000 patients with Invisalign. If you would like to learn whether you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, please call us to schedule a free orthodontic consultation.

If we determine that you are not a good candidate for Invisalign, but you still want straight teeth, we have other aesthetic options available, which include lingual, hidden or invisible braces attached to the tongue side of your teeth. Dr. Alpan also is a certified Incognito invisible braces provider.

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What foods must I avoid while I have braces?

There is a handful of foods that you should avoid eating while you are wearing braces. Primarily, these are hard, sticky foods. Foods such as candied apples and peanut brittle can be difficult to remove from braces and they can loosen brackets and bands or break them. These foods also can break or bend arch wires. There are many more foods that you can eat than those you can't.

Patients who are good candidates for Invisalign treatment do not have to avoid any foods because Invisalign does not use fixed brackets, bands or wires that can bend, loosen or break when eating some foods. However, you may feel more comfortable eating soft foods at times.

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How long does orthodontic treatment last?

A variety of factors determines how long you will wear braces, but in most cases you'll be ready to show off your new smile in about 18 to 24 months. The modern orthodontic appliances and techniques in use today result in quicker, easier and more comfortable treatment for patients.

Damon Braces, which are attached to the fronts of the teeth, are the most comfortable to the lips, result in less tooth pain, require fewer and shorter appointments and typically involve about six months less total treatment time than traditional braces.

Incognito Braces, are lingual braces, meaning they are attached to the tongue side of the teeth. They also require fewer appointments and involve shorter total treatment time. Show off your beautiful smile in confidence while your teeth are being straightened, and no one will realize that you have braces.

Invisalign treatment requires fewer appointments and offers the added bonus of being removed to eat and for special occasions, such as public speaking engagements and wedding or graduation photos. Removing appliances also makes it easier to practice good oral hygiene. You can show off your beautiful smile while your teeth are being straightened without braces.

Invisalign and braces work to straighten your teeth gradually, not overnight. That means a little patience is necessary on the patient’s part. And remember this: any discomfort you may feel is brief. Your beautiful, healthy smile, however, will last a lifetime.

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Will I have to wear a retainer after my braces are removed?

Wearing a retainer after your braces have been removed is the next step in treatment. A retainer is important because it keeps the teeth stable after the active orthodontic appliance is removed at the end of treatment. Without retainers, your teeth gradually would return to their original position over time. To keep your teeth in their ideal positions for the rest of your life, it is best to wear a retainer that long. Some retainers can be put in permanently. The ideal retainer is one made of a clear, plastic removable material that fits on your teeth like a glove and can be worn at home and as you sleep.

Retainers are the cheapest form of insurance around. If you lose your retainer, it is cheaper to have it immediately replaced than to undergo orthodontic treatment again. We all are familiar with the old saying, “Use it or lose it.” Our corollary to this saying is, "If you lose it, you can't use it." That is why it is so important to replace lost retainers immediately, so you aren’t faced with repeating orthodontic treatment later in life.

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How much will I pay for braces?

This is one of the most common questions. Everyone who has received a free orthodontic consultation at any of our offices always has been able to afford to have Las Vegas Orthodontist Dr. Alpan treat them - without exception.

The total cost of braces depends upon the complexity of the orthodontic problem, so it varies from person to person. Because our modern materials and techniques often require fewer visits, you might be surprised how affordable your orthodontic treatment can be. A healthy, beautiful smile is one of the best investments you can make in your future or in that of your child's. We offer a variety of payment methods in our effort to help you fit this worthy investment into your budget:

  • In-house, interest-free financing, an appropriate down payment and the remaining balance paid over the period of treatment.
  • utside financing that offers no down payment and low monthly fees paid throughout the course of treatment.
  • Discounts for paying for treatment in full.
  • We accept all major credit cards for automatic credit card payments.
  • Most major insurance plans. We will complete the necessary paperwork for you.
  • Medi-Cal patients are examined. Medi-Cal decides for whom they will pay.

During your initial free orthodontic consultation, our treatment coordinator will go over all of the financial options available to you. She also will help you customize a payment plan that fits your specific needs.

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